Friday, September 23, 2022

Teacher's Salaries

A teacher helping his students do their work at their desk.
Teachers of all grades are teaching the next generations of children. They are a crucial part of the development of children mentally, socially, and educationally. There are so many expectations and
pressures put on teachers, however, they are paid nothing. The national average of a yearly salary for a teacher is $61,730 which is a $20,000 increase from the year 2000. However, we inflation is calculated and the salaries are adjusted, the average salary for teachers has decreased by 1.3%. Most teachers have a bachelor's degree and a lot have a master's as well. One would think by going through extra school to earn a master's degree would help provide a higher salary, that is not the case. On average, salaries of teachers with a master's degree are only increased by about $1000 per year compared to those who do not have that degree. Teaching is a necessary profession and one that is so time consuming and mentally draining. School is usually from 8am to 3pm, Monday through Friday. That is seven hours on nonstop work for teachers, but then they go home and do more planning, grading, and prepping for the next day. Yet, they are not paid a livable wage. 82% of teachers work second jobs, for example: serving, tutoring, coaching sports, basically any kind of flexible job. How are teachers supposed to find the time during the year to work these second jobs just to afford basic necessities like groceries and rent? How can people expect parents to teach their children, and sometimes expect them to raise their children, when they get an unfair and an insulting salary? 

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